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FC: The Hundred Years War and the Black Death


5 lessons that answer the standards as well as the framing and supporting questions.

Grade: 5th Grade

Weeks: 1

Pages: 46

Standards: 5.1 - 5.8, 5.9e, 5.9g, 5.9h.

File Type: pdf

Slide Deck Included: Yes

In stock

Product SKU: PEDFC513


The Hundred Years’ War and the Black Death were two of the most significant events in European history. The Hundred Years’ War was a series of armed conflicts between England and France that lasted from 1337 to 1453. The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic that occurred from 1346 to 1353 and killed an estimated 75-200 million people, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351.

The Hundred Years’ War had a profound impact on Europe. It led to the development of new military technologies and tactics, such as professional standing armies and artillery, and it contributed to the decline of chivalry. The war also helped to strengthen national identities in England and France, and it played a role in the rise of these two countries as global powers.

The Black Death had an even greater impact on Europe. It decimated the population, leading to widespread social and economic upheaval. The plague also had a profound impact on religious beliefs and practices.

The Hundred Years’ War and the Black Death were two of the most devastating events in European history. However, they also had a number of positive effects. They led to the development of new technologies and institutions, and they helped to shape the modern world.

5 lessons that answer the standards as well as the framing and supporting questions.

Lessons are developed using all the sources and readings that are in the social studies course frameworks provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.

What does it include:

  1. Detailed lesson plans aligned to the standards and frameworks.
  2. Activities that include all the materials provided in the frameworks
  3. Assessments aligned to the new LDOE field test.
  4. Lesson activity workbook/worksheets
  5. Slide deck


  • 5.9 Describe the geographic, political, economic, and cultural structures of Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • 5.9g Describe the economic and social effects of the spread of the Black Death (Bubonic Plague) from Central Asia to China, the Middle East, and Europe, and its effect on the global population
  • 5.9h Describe the significance of the Hundred Years’ War, including the roles of Henry V in shaping English culture and language and Joan of Arc in promoting a peaceful end to the war.

Framing Question

How did the Black Death and the Hundred Years War Affect Europe?

Supporting Questions

  1. How did the Black Death influence the decline of feudalism in Medieval Europe?

  2. What were the causes of the Hundred Years’ War and how did it affect Europe?

  3. Why was Henry V an important figure in European history?

  4. Why was Joan of Arc an important figure in European history?




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